The Tale of the 9 to 5

3:42pm. God, could this day go any slower. Day after day of repetitive phone calls, for the same thing over and over. I look over my cubicle walls, to see where Janice our manager is before opening solitaire sneak in another round. Booyaa! 1,045,942: me, 1: Solitaire. After for what seems like an eternity, I look up at the clock once again. 3:44pm. Urrghhh, are you for real?! Two minutes! *Rings * “Hello. Thank you for calling, this is Stacy. May I get your first and last name pl-?” Within seconds, I yank the headphone piece away from my ear while being deafened by the yelling on the other side. “I’m sorry sir, may I please get your first and last name. I’d like to further look into this matter on your account.” *Inaudible screaming continues * 3:49pm… Good Lord, help me. “Let me dispatch you to our manager, who has more power to help you,” I explained while trying my hardest to hide my annoyance. I p...